Learning Needs Assessment

What is the desired result of our program? How do our learners show that they have learned the material? What assets can we create to assess their progress? Here are some learning needs assessments created for the Guilt-Free-Gut health course.

Moms will be able to describe challenging areas related to their child’s gut health.

Moms wanted to know what symptoms were connected to their child’s gut health. Rather than bore them with a list of symptoms that might or might not have anything to do with their child, I created a “Search and Find” exercise. They learned reading through the words what symptoms are related to gut-health, but were able to focus on finding the things that applied to their situation

Moms will be able to self-assess and rank their knowledge at the start of the program and compare their knowledge at the end of the program.

I created a pre- and post-test that the moms took before the start of the course, and at the end of the course to be able to see their progress.

Moms will be able to design a personal plan to use good health guidelines.

Facts can be useful when we use them to make choices for new behaviors. Using knowledge of good health guidelines around sleep a mom can create her own schedule for her child.

Mom’s will be able to evaluate their own habits behaviors and the habits and behaviors of their children throughout the program.

By recording her actions a mom can self-observe and track actual events. This will create an awareness of progress, and re-assessment of goals.

Good learning assessments are simple, clear, and easy to use. The best assessments accurately measure how effectively the learners are reaching their goals.